On June 21st, the summer solstice, the town has a parade, mock bank robbery, and polar bear swim in the Bering Sea. The parade has all of 10 vehicles in it but it was fun to watch the kids get candy.

Starting banner for the parade....

The main section. There was no marching band, no horses and no midnight sun queen... Just a bunch of town people walking down the middle of the street, throwing candy for the kids.
The bank robbery is done in front of Wells Fargo Bank and is done old west style.

The girls running out of the bar, telling everyone the "bad guys" are in town.

The "bad guys". All dressed up with people lining the streets.

Holding up the guys from the bank.

The sharp shooters on the roof.
The polar bear swim had about 300 people show up. There was a bonfire on the beach so you could warm up after the swim. I stayed in the longest and went in the most number of times. Water temp 43 degrees, Air temp 43 degrees…

The polar bear crew! From left to right: me, Peter, Mee, Chuck's wife, Thomas, Johnathan.

The crown enters the water. When the gun goes off, we all run for the water. It felt like the start of an open water swim.

As you can see, I am the last one in the water...

Me and Mee coming out.... At least we are still smiling...

Peter adn myself coming out of the water for the 3rd time....

Warming up by the fire after.
I can finally say I have been in the water in AK and Antarctica. Now all I have to do is get into the water above the artic circle.... I feel a trip coming on :)