The Musk OX heard. There are a TON of musk ox in the area. These were on the road and running from the car.
When spooked, musk ox form a circle to protect their young. The start snorting and pawing at the ground and charge. Luckily for us, they lose interest quite quickly and run away.
The view from the actual spring. There are actual trees in this area. (there are none in Nome)
The hot spring. It was about 115 degrees. The tub is about 6 feet deep and you end up treading water when you go in. Also there mosquitoes are so bad, you have to be underwater or covered with bug dope to spend much time out here, but the view is amazing!
Standing on the tub.
Nurse Allen and myself at the springs.
Inside the church at the ranch. This painting was done in 1920 by a 12 year old boy.
Tundra cotton. The whole tundra was covered in it. It makes it look like it is still covered in snow.
The actual cotton.
Laying in the tundra cotton.